"Move Better" Series: Exercises To Improve Thoracic Mobility

Yesterday’s “Move Better” series post presented the ‌‌Tragus‌ -To-Wall‌ ‌Test‌ ‌‌‌to‌ ‌assess‌ ‌your‌ ‌neck‌ ‌and‌ ‌thoracic‌ ‌spine‌ ‌mobility.‌  This blog post will present exercises to improve thoracic mobility - more specifically the motion of thoracic extension. 

The thoracic spine is the mid-region of the spine that consists of twelve thoracic vertebrae (T1-T12) that are attached to the ribs posteriorly.  The orientations of the joints in the thoracic spine allow for motion in several planes, including flexion, extension, and sidebending.  

Sufficient thoracic extension is important to allow full scapular and shoulder range of motion with overhead activities during daily and sport activities.  A lack of thoracic extension mobility may impact someone’s strength with overhead activities and may increase someone’s risk of neck, shoulder, and low back pain.  Thoracic extension may be limited in people who spend a lot of time in positions of slouched or forward flexed postures, including office workers and landscapers.  

The video below includes exercises to improve thoracic extension mobility passively with the use of a chair, foam roller, or other substitute, like a rolled up yoga mat or large towel. 

Other common exercises that may improve thoracic extension mobility include stretching for the pec and lat muscles, which will be included in another upcoming “Move Better” post.  A future “Move Better” post will also cover ways to assess and improve thoracic rotation, another important motion that occurs in the thoracic spine.  

Stay tuned!

-Brian Collins, DPT & Sean Tyler, DPT